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提供商德国邮政敦豪 (DPDHL) 集团已结束其在非洲的灾难响应小组 (DRT) 部署。2019 年 4 月 12 日星期五,一批 DRT 成员搬出贝拉,前一个月的飓风 Idai 破坏了超过 700,000 公顷的农作物,摧毁了近 200,000 所房屋。[1]在那里,该团队从大约 50 架飞机上运送了近 800 吨即将到来的人道主义援助,以进一步分发给那些流离失所和受这场自然灾害影响的人。

  应联合国的要求,DPDHL 集团的 DRT 期间部署在贝拉机场。来自莫桑比克、南非和阿拉伯联合酋长国的 12 名 DHL 志愿者在三个团队中轮流工作。在近三周的时间里,志愿者们为联合国和国际救援组织处理了收到的救济物资并协调了收到的人道主义援助。

  领导此次部署的德国邮政敦豪集团人道主义事务总监克里斯·威克斯说:“这次特殊的部署对我们来说具有开创性,因为这是我们次前往非洲执行任务。然而,挑战是熟悉的,在抵达后的Zui初几天内,DRT 在传入的人道主义援助供应链中牢固地建立了其协调知识。” 他继续说:“救援物资突然涌入机场经常造成瓶颈,援助无法及时运出。这正是团队试图避免并能够成功做到的情况。”


  在莫桑比克期间,DRT 充当了贝拉机场当局 (ADM) 与占据机场大片区域的大型人道主义团体之间的联络人。该团队支持国际救援组织,如 IFRC、UNICEF、UNHCR、WHO、ASB、WFP、USAid 和 UKAid,并协助处理设备、驾驶叉车和高装载机,并确保没有堆积的进货。

  “包括莫桑比克、非组织、联合国机构和红十字小组在内的 80 多个合作伙伴正在参与飓风伊代之后的人道主义响应,这是有史以来袭击非洲和南半球的Zui严重热带气旋之一。德国邮政 DHL 集团 DRT 的物流知识补充了贝拉机场所有这些不同合作伙伴的救援工作。我们感谢 DHL 志愿者与人道主义界一起不知疲倦地工作,帮助有效运送救济物品,以便受影响的人尽快得到帮助”,联合国世界粮食计划署全球物流集群协调员斯蒂芬卡希尔解释道。

Deutsche Post DHL (DPDHL) Group, the world’s leading mail and logistics services provider, has ended its first Disaster Response Team (DRT) deployment in Africa. On Friday April 12, 2019 the last DRT members moved out of Beira, where cyclone Idai the month before damaged over 700,000 hectares of crops, and destroyed close to 200,000 homes.[1] The team, in its time there, moved nearly 800 tonnes of incoming humanitarian aid from approximately 50 aircraft for further distribution to those displaced and affected by this natural disaster.

  DPDHL Group’s DRT was deployed at Beira Airport between March 24 and April 12, 2019 at the request of the United Nations. 12 DHL volunteers from Mozambique, South Africa and United Arab Emirates worked in rotation across three teams. Over the course of nearly three weeks, the volunteers handled incoming relief goods and coordinated incoming humanitarian aid for the United Nations and international relief organizations.

  Chris Weeks, Director for Humanitarian Affairs at Deutsche Post DHL Group who headed up the deployment said, “This particular deployment was groundbreaking for us in that it was our first mission to Africa. The challenges however were familiar and within the first few days of arriving the DRT firmly established its coordination expertise in the supply chain of incoming humanitarian aid.” He continued, “All too often the sudden influx of relief aid to an airport creates bottlenecks and aid is unable to get out in a timely manner. This was precisely the scenario the team was trying to avoid and able to do so successfully.”


During their time in Mozambique, the DRT acted as a liaison between the Beira Airport Authorities (ADM) and the large humanitarian community who occupied a vast area at the airport. The team supported international relief organizations such as IFRC, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, ASB, WFP, USAid and UKAid, and assisted with handling equipment, driving forklifts and high-loaders, and ensuring there was no build-up of incoming shipments.

  “Over 80 partners including the Government of Mozambique, NGOs, UN agencies and Red Cross teams are taking part in the humanitarian response following Cyclone Idai, one of the worst tropical cyclones ever to hit Africa and the southern hemisphere. The logistics expertise of Deutsche Post DHL Group’s DRT complemented the relief efforts from all these different partners at Beira Airport. We are grateful to the DHL volunteers who worked tirelessly alongside the humanitarian community to help move relief items efficiently in order for those affected to receive help as quickly as possible”, explains Stephen Cahill, Global Logistics Cluster Coordinator at United Nations World Food Programme.

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