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DHL Global Forwarding 是德国邮政 DHL 集团的空运和海运专家,目前正在通过其多式联运服务“多式联运快递”中提供的各种路线选择,为 200 多名客户提供支持,以度过持续的 COVID-19 危机( MMEX)。该服务Zui初于 2019 年推出,旨在将中国与拉丁美洲连接起来,现在寻求进一步连接中国与美国,与现有的行业替代方案相比,为客户提供更短的运输时间和更具竞争力的货物运输成本。

  作为一项创新的端到端服务,MMEX 将航空运输的敏捷性、专用内陆解决方案的适应性以及远洋运输到美国和拉丁美洲的成本意识相结合,相比之下,显着提高了运输作业的速度和效率到行业中可用的其他服务。其他货运服务平均需要 30-35 天,而 MMEX 可以在 12 到17 天。迄今为止,接受服务的客户已经从该解决方案中受益,他们报告说他们的空运成本节省了大约 30% 到 35%,其中许多来自高科技、汽车和零售行业。

此外,出于对 COVID-19 大流行的担忧,DHL Global Forwarding 正在扩展 MMEX 服务作为一项应急计划,以支持客户从中国到欧洲的紧急运输,也通过长滩港飞往欧洲的Zui终目的地。


  在 DHL Global Forwarding,我们一直在寻求提高我们的运营效率,并为我们的客户提供的解决方案——尤其是在这些充满挑战的时期,DHL Global Forwarding US 执行官 David Goldberg 说。“这项新服务不仅缩短了我们客户的运输时间,而且突出了我们如何不断适应以满足他们的需求。

  该服务旨在为日益全球化的市场和要求越来越高的消费者群提供服务,同时降低运费并提供全面的实时门到门监控。MMEX 服务也是公司关注可持续性的一部分。

  像这样的创新服务继续推动我们的可持续发展目标,并使我们在物流市场上获得竞争优势,戈德伯格说。这种的的解决方案将自己展示为一种可持续的替代方案,与仅使用空运相比,二氧化碳减少了 50% 到 80%,具体取决于距离。

  DHL Global Forwarding, the air and ocean freight specialist of the Deutsche Post DHL Group, is currently supporting over 200 customers through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis with the various route options available in its exclusive multimodal shipping service, “Multi-Modal Express” (MMEX). The service, which was initially launched in 2019 to connect China to Latin America, now seeks to additionally connect China to the U.S offering customers reduced transit times and more competitive costs in the transportation of cargo than the available industry alternatives.


  An innovative end-to-end service, MMEX integrates the agility of air transportation, the adaptability of dedicated inland solutions and the cost-consciousness of ocean shipping into the U.S. and Latin America to significantly increase the speed and efficiency of the shipping operations when compared to other services available in the industry. While other freight services take an average of 30-35 days, the MMEX delivers cargo door-to-door from any location in China, via Shanghai Port, to any destination in the U.S. and Latin America, via Long Beach Port, within 12 to 17 days. To date, serviced customers are already benefiting from this solution, reporting savings of around 30 to 35 percent in their airfreight cost, many of which are in the high-tech, automotive and retail sectors.

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