DHL Freight 是欧洲的公路货运服务提供商之一,其综合管理体系已成功获得 DEKRA 认证机构的三项证书,并获得了另一项职业健康和安全证书。这些证书表明 DHL Freight 的综合管理体系高度符合国际工业标准 ISO 9001(质量管理)、ISO 14001(环境管理)、ISO 50001(能源管理)和 ISO 45001(职业健康与安全)的要求)。
“我们很高兴除了更新去年的证书之外,我们因在职业安全方面的努力获得了进一步的证书作为奖励——毕竟,我们员工的健康和安全是我们的首要任务。成功的认证表明,我们专注于员工和分包商健康和福祉的管理流程符合和的,”DHL Freight 运营官兼 DHL Freight DACH 执行官 Thomas Vogel 博士说.
DHL Freight 的综合管理系统根据与独立认证机构 DEKRA 联合实施的全球矩阵认证流程进行认证。四证适用于整个DHL Freight业务部。这意味着该系统涵盖了所有 61 个欧洲 DHL 货运单位,包括 DHL 货运单位,如 DHL FoodLogistics 和 DHL Global Event Logistics,以及德国的 Unitrans 网络合作伙伴。大约 325 个地点在“国内和国际运输、物流和海关服务与咨询”的保护伞下获得认证。
DHL Freight, one of the leading providers of road freight services in Europe, has successfully renewed three certificates of the DEKRA certification body for its integrated management system, and has obtained another one for occupational health and safety. The certificates demonstrate the high degree of compliance of DHL Freight’s integrated management system with the requirements of the international industrial standards ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 50001 (energy management) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety).
“We’re delighted that in addition to renewing the certificates from last year, we were rewarded for our efforts in occupational safety with a further certificate – after all, the health and safety of our employees is our top priority. The successful certification shows that our management process focused on the health and well-being of employees and subcontractors is compliant with the highest and most up-to-date international standards,” says Dr. Thomas Vogel, COO DHL Freight and CEO DHL Freight DACH.