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  作为合同物流市场和德国邮政 DHL 集团的一部分,DHL Supply Chain 连续第三年再次被公认为国际舞台上的雇主。今年,DHL Supply Chain 还因其在西班牙、葡萄牙、荷兰、英国、加拿大、美国、巴西和中国等八个国家的出色人力资源政策而获得认可。这些市场合计占该部门总劳动力的 60% 左右。

  “我们很高兴连续第三年被评为雇主。该认证表明我们在 DHL Supply Chain 制定可持续人力资源战略的努力正在取得成效,”DHL Supply Chain 全球人力资源主管 Rob Rosenberg 说。“尤其是在合同物流领域,积极主动且训练有素的员工队伍是为客户提供解决方案的关键。这就是为什么我们采取积极主动的多层次方法来吸引和留住员工。事实证明,这种方法是成功的,正如杰出雇主协会的新认证所表明的那样。”

  “人才是满足客户不断变化的需求并超越他们期望的Zui关键部分,”DHL 供应链北美人力资源副总裁 Tim Sprosty 说。“这就是为什么我们如此重视创造的工作环境,以帮助我们的员工取得成功并促进运营。这是我们文化的核心,我们很自豪能够接受这一认可,因为我们的持续努力。”

  25 年来,Top Employers Institute 一直认可世界各地为员工创造工作条件的雇主。认证基于对人力资源 600 个方面的人员流程的全面审核。特别是,DHL Supply Chain 因其在人才战略、领导力发展、职业与继任管理以及学习与发展领域的方法而被挑选出来。认证过程包括广泛的人力资源实践调查,包括第三方审计。

  DHL Supply Chain 提供多项针对职业发展和个人发展的计划。内部认证供应链专家 (CSCS) 培训计划让员工有机会在供应链运营的所有领域扩展他们的知识——从运输和仓储到销售和财务。全球志愿者日和多项 GoHelp 计划等计划让员工有机会实践 DHL 倡导的社会责任的关键原则——支持社区、保护环境和促进教育。


 For the third consecutive year DHL Supply Chain, market leader in contract logistics and part of the Deutsche Post DHL Group, has again been recognized as a Top Employer on the international stage. This year DHL Supply Chain also received recognition for its outstanding human resources policy in eight countries – including Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, UK, Canada, USA, Brazil and China. Together these markets represent around 60% of the division’s total workforce.

  “We are delighted to be awarded as a Top Employer for the third year in a row. This certification demonstrates that our efforts to create a sustainable HR strategy at DHL Supply Chain are paying off,” said Rob Rosenberg, Global Head of Human Resources at DHL Supply Chain. “Especially in the field of contract logistics, a motivated and well-trained workforce is key to offering customers optimal solutions. Which is why we take a proactive and multi-layered approach to both attracting and retaining employees. And this approach is proving successful, as shown by this renewed certification from the Top Employers Institute.”

  “Talent is the most critical piece in meeting our customers’ ever-changing needs and exceeding their expectations,” said Tim Sprosty, Senior Vice President of Human Resources at DHL Supply Chain North America. “That is why we place such a strong emphasis on creating a quality work environment that enables our employees’ success and promotes operational excellence. It is central to our culture, and we’re proud to accept this recognition for our continued efforts.”


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