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德国邮政 DHL 集团继续朝着成为雇主的战略目标迈进——即使面对危机——并再次被杰出雇主协会认可为杰出雇主,并于 2021 年 1 月 28 日获得认证,吸纳了所有部门和100多个县组织。认证过程每年由的杰出雇主协会进行,包括全面的审计和随后的独立认证。的重点包括人才战略、人力资源规划、培训和发展、职业和继任规划以及企业文化等类别。

  德国邮政敦豪集团还于 2020 年在 61 个国家获得了 Great Place to Work 组织的认证,以表彰其特别好的工作环境。荣获雇主奖的业务部门包括德国邮政和包裹、DHL 供应链、DHL 全球货运代理、电子商务解决方案和 DHL 快递。

  “我们为今年获得这些奖项而感到特别自豪。它们向我们表明,我们对职业健康和安全的关注,以及我们公司提供的良好工作条件和发展机会受到我们员工的重视——我们的战略以尊重和结果的价值观为基础,具有弹性,即使在动荡的时代。由于我们在全球 550,000 名员工的出色表现,我们在整个 Covid-19 大流行期间始终保持高水平的服务,尽管对我们的劳动力需求空前并面临许多运营挑战,”德意志银行人力资源董事会成员 Thomas Ogilvie 说邮政 DHL 集团。“我们的员工是我们Zui宝贵的资产。我们的目标是连接人们并改善他们的生活。只有有积极性、敬业的员工才能做到这一点。


  除了外部机构的认证,年度员工意见调查(邀请所有员工匿名回答)是一个重要的发展工具,可在整个公司内持续提升工作场所满意度和员工敬业度。2020 年,即使在大流行期间,员工敬业度的 KPI 得分也比上一年进一步提高了 5 个百分点。正如奥格维解释的那样:“这反映了我们对大流行的及时和果断的反应。在早期阶段,我们采购了防护面罩,引入了卫生规则和测试程序,并在所有员工沟通中采用了积极主动的赞赏语气。我们还通过捐赠所有 550 件来表达我们的感激之情,

Deutsche Post DHL Group remains on track towards its strategic goal of becoming Employer of Choice – even in the face of the coronavirus crisis – and has once again been recognized as an outstanding employer by the Top Employers Institute, with certification on January 28, 2021, taking in all divisions and over 100 county organizations. The certification process, which is undertaken annually by the prestigious Top Employers Institute, comprises a comprehensive audit and subsequent independent certification. Categories including talent strategy, HR planning, training and development, career and succession planning, and corporate culture are the focus of the assessment.


  Deutsche Post DHL Group also received certification from the Great Place to Work organization in 61 countries in 2020, in recognition of its particularly good workplace environment. The Top Employer award-winning business units include Post & Parcel Germany, DHL Supply Chain, DHL Global Forwarding and Freight, eCommerce Solutions and DHL Express.

  “We are especially proud of receiving these awards this year. They show us that our focus on occupational health and safety, and the good working conditions and opportunities for development that our company offers are valued by our employees – and that our strategy, which is underpinned by the values of Respect and Results, is resilient, even in turbulent times. Thanks to the incredible performance of our 550,000 employees worldwide, we have maintained a consistently high level of service throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, despite unprecedented demands on our workforce and many operational challenges,” says Thomas Ogilvie, Board Member for Human Resources at Deutsche Post DHL Group. “Our employees are our most valuable asset. Our purpose is to connect people and improve their lives. That can only be done with motivated, engaged employees. Our employees are the key to service excellence and the customer satisfaction this brings – and satisfied customers are the basis for our business success.”

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