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更新时间:2025-01-18 07:18:00
联系手机: 15955942666

德国邮政 DHL 集团的空运和海运专家 DHL Global Forwarding 已推出 我的DHLi,货代客户完全集成的在线平台。myDHLi 高度直观的用户界面使其易于使用并确保客户掌握所有相关信息。反映已经建立良好的社交媒体功能,如关注和分享,相关信息可以跨组织和贸易伙伴轻松访问。只需点击几下,即可对运费、报价、运输方式、碳排放和所有其他相关运输数据进行完全透明的管理,并可在详细分析和报告中显示。Zui独特的方面之一是每周 7 天、每天 24 小时对所有运输和运输方式的完全可见性和控制。

  “尽管加速数字化和超快速连接,客户仍需要降低复杂性。这正是我们工具的作用,”美国 DHL Global Forwarding 执行官 David Goldberg 说。“我们创建了一个一站式客户门户,专门针对客户的需求量身定制。通过将在线报价和预订等服务与发货跟踪、文档可访问性和数据分析相结合,我们不仅创造了 360 度的可见性,而且还为客户随时随地管理物流奠定了基础。我们坚信,数字化具有同时缓解和改善托运人和货运代理日常业务的潜力。在不可预测和充满挑战的时期,例如我们目前面临 COVID-19 的时期,情况更是如此,并且现在可能会成为行业数字化的。这就是数字化对我们的意义,也是我们将其作为 2025 年战略基石的原因。”

  该平台将 myDHLi Quote + Book 和 myDHLi Analytics 等现有在线服务与新服务和功能合并,并将它们整合到一个创新平台中。诸如非常高效的搜索功能之类的服务增强了用户体验。Zui重要的是,全新的跟踪服务完全由内部开发,使用端到端信息,几乎实时可见空运和海运货物。这让用户可以完全控制——从提货到Zui终交付。该服务还提供 Excel 提取的原始数据。另一个新功能是 myDHLi Documents,它可以让您快速轻松地访问可下载的货件文件。所有文件——报价、商业发票、装箱单、房屋账单、发票、交货证明等——都存储在一个地方。设计人员采用了移动优先的方法,以便在所有设备上无缝使用。内置的流行社交媒体功能(如关注和分享功能)使客户能够与同事、客户和供应商交换信息,从而简化了供应链中的沟通。此外,可以基于一套 API 轻松分析和导出数据或直接将数据集成到自己的系统中。


  myDHLi 具有模块化结构。用户可以通过选择他们想要的特定服务来个性化他们的门户。多亏了单点登录注册过程,所有服务从一开始就可用。不需要额外的注册或登录过程。myDHLi 对所有 DHL Global Forwarding 客户免费。

  此次发布从试点阶段开始,包括来自五大洲(北美、欧洲、亚洲、澳大利亚、非洲)的选定客户。myDHLi 正在分阶段推出,以确保逐个区域的平稳过渡。有兴趣的客户可以注册加入 myDHLi。将共享基于客户反馈的定期更新。之前的客户门户 DHLi 将在 myDHLi 推出完成之前可用。

  DHL Global Forwarding, Freight 不断致力于开发新服务,

  DHL Global Forwarding, Deutsche Post DHL Group’s air and ocean freight specialist, has launched myDHLi, the only fully integrated online platform for freight forwarding customers. myDHLi’s highly intuitive user interface makes it easy to use and ensures that customers have all relevant information at hand. Reflecting already well established social media functions like follow and share, relevant information can be easily accessed across organizations and trading partners. Completely transparent management of freight rates, offers, transport modes, carbon emissions, and all other relevant shipment data is readily available with just a few clicks and can be displayed in detailed analyses and reports. One of the most unique aspects is the benefit of full visibility and control over all shipping and transport modes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  “Despite accelerating digitalization and super-fast connectivity customers have a need for reduced complexity. And that is exactly what our tool does,” says David Goldberg, CEO DHL Global Forwarding, US. “We have created a one-stop customer portal that is tailored to the needs of our customers. By combining services like online quotation and booking with shipment tracking, document accessibility, and data analyses we are creating not only 360-degrees visibility, but also have laid the foundation for customers to manage their logistics – anytime and anywhere. We strongly believe that digitalization bears the potential to ease and improve the daily business of shippers and freight forwarders simultaneously. This is even truer during unpredictable and challenging times such as those we are currently facing with COVID-19, and which might now act as an accelerator for digitizing the industry. That is what digitalization means to us and why we made it a cornerstone of our strategy 2025.”


 The platform merges existing online services like myDHLi Quote + Book and myDHLi Analytics with new services and features, and incorporates them into one innovative platform. Services like a very efficient search capability enhance the user experience. On top, developed completely in-house, the new tracking service uses end-to-end information to make shipments across air and ocean visible nearly in real-time. This gives users complete control — from pick-up to final delivery. The service also offers raw data Excel extracts. Another new feature is myDHLi Documents, which offers quick and easy access to downloadable shipment documents. All documents — quotes, commercial invoice, packing list, house bill, invoice, proof of delivery, etc. — are stored in one place. The designers adapted a mobile-first approach for seamless use on all devices. Built-in popular social media features like follow and share functions simplify communication along the supply chain by enabling customers to exchange information with colleagues, customers and suppliers. Furthermore, data can be easily analyzed and exported or directly integrated to own systems, based on a suite of APIs.


  • 地址:中国 安徽 合肥市 合肥市明光路266号
  • 邮编:230031
  • 电话:18010889846
  • 销售经理:程瑞
  • 手机:15955942666
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  • QQ:976888244
  • Email:976888244@qq.com