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 DHL Express近将其位于俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨的服务中心搬迁至新的 23,730 平方英尺。位于城市广阔的工业区内。为了适应进一步预期的国际贸易增长和增强本地服务,新设施的规模几乎是之前地点的两倍。

  DHL 在经历了与航空维修、石油和天然气以及国际电子商务客户相关的入站和出站货运量激增后,决定将其塔尔萨业务转移到更大的升级设施。这座耗资 110 万美元的新工厂位于 11610 E. 27 th Street, North Suite J, Tulsa, OK,可实现更早的交货和更晚的取货截止时间,并且每小时可处理 3,000 多件产品。

  该设施配备 28 名国际认证专家,可容纳更多车辆,以便快递员从内部输送系统装载包裹。它配备了的 X 光机、三个额外的码头门和用于飞机集装箱 (ULD) 处理的新设备,所有这些都将帮助 DHL 提供更快、更高效的服务。此外,该大楼设有宽敞的大堂,地理位置优越,距 DHL 主要客户履行中心约一分钟车程,距塔尔萨国际机场 5 分钟车程。

我们对新地点感到兴奋,这将使我们能够进一步超越我们对客户的承诺:‘’。DHL Express 东南地区副总裁兼总 Saavedra 说。“改进的进货卸货区将限度地提高我们的处理能力,并使我们的快递员能够更快地开始交付——Zui终提高效率并使我们的塔尔萨客户受益。”

  DHL Express, the world’s leading international express service provider, recently relocated its Tulsa, Oklahoma, service center operation to a new 23,730 sq.-ft. location within the city’s sprawling industrial area. Intended to accommodate further anticipated international trade growth and enhance local service, the new facility is nearly double the size of the previous location.

  DHL made the decision to move its Tulsa operations to a larger upgraded facility after experiencing a surge in both inbound and outbound shipments associated with customers in aviation repair, oil and gas and international e-commerce. Located at 11610 E. 27th Street, North Suite J, Tulsa, OK, the new $1.1M facility will allow for earlier deliveries and later pickup cutoff times, and will be equipped to process more than 3,000 pieces per hour.


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