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更新时间:2024-09-20 07:18:00

 DHL Supply Chain 是美洲合同物流领域的,也是德国邮政 DHL 集团的一部分,今天宣布在美国的仓库中部署自动叉车。室内机器人运输的安装是公司加速数字化战略的一部分,重点是将自动叉车用于托盘仓库环境中Zui困难和高价值的用例。该实施是 DHL Supply Chain、Crown Equipment 和 JBT Corporation 之间战略合作的结果,将自动化技术集成到快节奏的 3PL 环境中,这将提高仓库效率、工作场所安全和员工满意度。

  “DHL Supply Chain 以拥抱持续创新的文化而自豪。DHL 北美供应链加速数字化总监布赖恩·冈特 (Brian Gaunt) 表示:“我们利用经过验证的流程并整合技术,以进一步推动我们的数字供应链转型并为我们客户的运营带来价值。” “我们的手动叉车在我们的设施中每年行驶约 2500 万英里,这使得托盘移动成为自动化的选择。室内机器人运输可以提高双深托盘上架和检索任务的效率、准确性和安全性,而无需对基础设施进行任何重大改变。”

  该安装采用配备 JBT 自动化系统机器人技术的 Crown R 1000 系列双模前移式叉车。次部署不是将自动化插入到现有的手动流程中,而是设计了一个新的流程来处理产品在仓库中的流动方式,在托盘存储、接收和运输之间创建一个手动到自主的交接区。该解决方案与仓库管理系统集成,以确保一致的工作流程。配备了 24/7/365 全天候操作的能力,自主叉车范围跨越六层(27 英尺)高和两个托盘深,用于上架和检索,具有很高的速度和精度,尤其是在三层及以上。



 “鉴于我们与 DHL Supply Chain 的牢固关系及其作为创新的声誉,我们很自然地适合与该公司合作,在美国安装我们的 DualMode 前移式叉车。它提供了一个很好的机会来展示该技术如何让 3PL 采取灵活、渐进的方法来部署自动化解决方案,从而在这些快节奏的环境中提供一致的性能和可靠性,”全球自动化和新兴技术总监 Jim Gaskell 说,设备。“我们认同 DHL Supply Chain 的自动化技术愿景,将自动化技术作为一种帮助支持员工生产力和满意度的方式,使仓库员工能够专注于更具战略性和增值性的任务,从而提升运营。”

  安装于 2021 年 7 月投入使用,DHL Supply Chain 对结果感到满意,超出了Zui初的生产力目标。自动叉车更快的取货和上架时间将效率提高了 20%,这些前移式叉车提供了 98% 或更高的可靠性。该公司计划在其他地点部署这种灵活、可扩展的技术,以适用于其客户。DHL Supply Chain 将自动叉车部署的成功归功于其成熟的新技术集成流程,以及合作伙伴的创新精神和承诺水平。

  “我们很高兴 DHL Supply Chain 继续成为者,使用 JBT 自动化技术来提高吞吐量、降低成本并为客户提供更多价值,”JBT 自动化系统总裁巴里道格拉斯说。

  在北美安装自动叉车是 DHL Supply Chain 努力在其全球 2,200 多个仓库加速部署室内机器人运输的重要一步。DHL Supply Chain 对持续创新和数字化转型的承诺代表了端到端供应链优化的下一个前沿,从仓库到包装和运输。


  DHL Supply Chain, the Americas leader in contract logistics and part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, today announced its first U.S. deployment of autonomous forklifts in the warehouse. This installation of indoor robotic transport is part of the company’s Accelerated Digitalization strategy and focuses on using autonomous forklifts for the most difficult and high value use cases in a pallet warehouse environment. The implementation is the result of a strategic collaboration between DHL Supply Chain, Crown Equipment and JBT Corporation to integrate automation technology into a fast-paced 3PL environment, which will increase warehouse efficiency, workplace safety and employee satisfaction.

“DHL Supply Chain takes great pride in embracing a culture of continuous innovation. Leveraging a proven process, we assess and integrate leading-edge technologies that further our digital supply chain transformation and bring value to our customers’ operations,” said Brian Gaunt, senior director, accelerated digitalization, DHL Supply Chain North America. “Our manual forklifts travel an estimated 25 million miles per year in our facilities, which makes pallet movement an excellent candidate for automation. Indoor robotic transport can increase the efficiency, accuracy and safety of double-deep pallet putaway and retrieval tasks without requiring any significant changes in the infrastructure.”


  The installation features Crown R 1000 Series DualMode reach trucks fitted with JBT Automated Systems robotics technology. Rather than inserting the automation into an existing manual process, the first deployment involved designing a new process for how products flow in the warehouse, creating a manual-to-autonomous handoff zone between pallet storage and receiving and shipping. This solution integrates with the warehouse management system to ensure a consistent workflow. Equipped with the ability to operate 24/7/365, the autonomous forklift range spans six levels (27 feet) high and two pallets deep for putaway and retrieval, with a high degree of speed and precision especially at levels three and above. With a 360-degree safety field light, the autonomous forklifts operate in a dedicated area of the warehouse where access is limited to properly trained associates.

  “Given our strong relationship with DHL Supply Chain and its reputation as a leader in innovation, it was a natural fit for us to work with the company on its first U.S. installation of our DualMode reach trucks. It provides a great opportunity to show how the technology allows 3PLs to take a flexible, incremental approach to deploying an automation solution that provides consistent performance and reliability in these fast-paced environments,” said Jim Gaskell, director of global automation and emerging technologies, Crown Equipment. “We share DHL Supply Chain’s vision of automated technology as a way to help support employee productivity and satisfaction, enabling warehouse associates to focus on more strategic and value-adding tasks that enhance operational excellence.”

  The installation went live in July 2021 and DHL Supply Chain has been pleased with the results, which surpassed the initial productivity goal. Faster pick and putaway times from the autonomous forklifts are driving a 20 percent increase in efficiency, and these reach trucks deliver 98 percent or better reliability. The company plans to deploy this flexible, scalable technology at additional sites, as applicable to its customers. DHL Supply Chain credits the success of the autonomous forklift deployment to its proven process for integrating new technology, as well as the innovative spirit and commitment level of its partners.

  “We are pleased that DHL Supply Chain continues to be an industry leader, using JBT automation technology to boost throughput, cut costs and deliver more value to their customers,” said Barry Douglas, president of JBT Automated Systems.

  This first North America installation of autonomous forklifts represents a significant step in DHL Supply Chain’s efforts to accelerate the deployment of indoor robotic transport in its more than 2,200 warehouses worldwide. DHL Supply Chain’s commitment to continuous innovation and digital transformation represents the next frontier in end-to-end supply chain optimization, from the warehouse to packaging and transportation.


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