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更新时间:2025-01-18 07:18:00
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德国邮政 DHL 集团的空运和海运专家 DHL Global Forwarding 和美国航空货运发布了一份关于个性化医疗(也称为靶向或医疗)带来的物流挑战和机遇的联合报告。这份题为“患者、流程和合作伙伴:拉丁美洲个性化医疗之路”的报告详细介绍了拉丁美洲地区医疗物流的未来以及支持个性化发展的四个关键解决方案。

  个性化医疗可被视为传统疾病治疗方法的延伸。医生能够查明患者的分子特征并建议正确的治疗方法。性别、体重和 DNA 等因素都被考虑在内,以根据每个人的需求量身定制治疗方案。然而,这使得将大托盘运送到设定位置变得不切实际。

  DHL Global Forwarding 的 Same Day & LifeConEx 董事总 Cole 表示:“通过个性化医疗,公司需要直接向人们而非机构提供解决方案,这将改变我们看待和运输医疗的方式。” “这种转变将对提供医药解决方案所涉及的本已复杂的物流构成巨大挑战,其中许多具有非常严格且变化多端的温度和时间要求以保持有效。我们相信个性化医疗的成功将取决于物流行业对所涉及的运营问题的反应程度。”



DHL Global Forwarding, the air and ocean freight specialist of Deutsche Post DHL Group, and American Airlines Cargo have released a joint report on the logistical challenges and opportunities posed by personalized medicine, also known as targeted or precision medicine. Titled “Patients, Processes and Partnerships: The Path to Personalized Medicine in Latin America”, the report provides a detailed look at the future of medical logistics in the Latin American region and four key solutions to support the development of personalization.

  Personalized medicine can be considered an extension of traditional approaches to treating disease. Physicians are able to pinpoint a patient’s molecular profile and suggest the right therapy. Factors such as gender, weight, and DNA are all considered to tailor treatments according to each person’s needs. However, this makes it impractical to ship large pallets to set locations.


  “With personalized medicine, companies will need to deliver solutions directly to people rather than to institutions, which will change how we view—and transport—medical treatments,” said Patricia Cole, Managing Director, Same Day & LifeConEx, DHL Global Forwarding. “This shift will present a huge challenge to the already complex logistics involved in delivering pharmaceutical solutions, many of which have very strict—and varied—temperature and timing requirements to remain effective. We believe the success of personalized medicine will rely on how well the logistics industry responds to the operational issues involved.”

To add to the complexities, healthcare in Latin America is as diverse as its people and geographic terrain. There are no regional standards for medical shipments, so each logistics provider must work to meet each country’s regulations, such as sterilization labeling, transportation modes in varied terrains, accessibility to well-equipped facilities and qualified doctors. Economic and political stability also play important roles in how healthcare is delivered within countries. Even when countries offer top-notch healthcare systems, not all residents have equal access to the same resources: hospitals, medical personnel, technology, or even simple Internet access.


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