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更新时间:2024-09-20 07:18:00

全球的物流公司DHL今天发布了的陆运物流研究报告。该报告显示,该行业正在进行的快节奏发展正在改变托运人在购买运输解决方案时的思维方式。对运输买家和运营人士的全球调查发现,83% 的企业愿意为更好的增值服务支付更多费用,只要他们提供可衡量的投资回报。

  “物流运输演变:未来之路”是 DHL Supply Chain 的一份报告,使用了 Lieberman Research Worldwide, LLC (LRW) 的研究数据,该研究受 DHL 委托确定影响陆运物流的因素以及行业如何发展适应可用解决方案的新前沿。报告发现,在各个行业和地区,公司越来越多地将地面运输视为一种战术商品,71% 的公司现在将其视为其业务的战略组成部分。公司同意地面运输与业务绩效之间存在直接关联,四分之三 (75%) 的公司认为在地面运输上投入时间和资源将直接帮助他们公司的销售。

  DHL Supply Chain 运输总裁 Jim Monkmeyer表示:“客户对电子商务几乎即时交付的期望有助于将地面运输定位为重要的服务差异化因素。正如我们在北美看到的那样,城市化的增加或大量人口涌入城市地区使情况更加复杂,传统的交通模式变得拥挤,并导致高管们重新考虑他们在这个现代时代的方式。出于所有这些原因,交通方面的谈话现在正在 C 级会议上进行。”


 根据该报告,65% 的公司认为电子商务的指数增长及其对服务的影响将在未来一到两年内对其供应链产生重大影响。为了管理这种演变,高管们正在转向技术来增强他们的战略决策能力。

  Monkmeyer 补充道:“正如我们在今年早些时候的数字化研究中了解到的那样,这些研究强调了对可见性工具和技术的需求,不仅要管理商品,还要确保为Zui终客户提供积极的体验。支持端到端供应链监控和风险管理的平台,例如 DHL 的 MySupplyChain 和 Resilience 360,现在是成功和战略性业务运营的重要组成部分。”


  更广泛的社会因素也被强调为带来相关挑战,61% 的公司将城市化进程视为将对其未来业务产生重大影响的一个因素。技术及其帮助管理这种复杂环境的能力越来越被视为 3PL 的标准要求:超过三分之二 (67%) 的公司认为大数据分析和人工智能 (AI) 是 3PL 提供必不可少的服务他们的托运人客户。


  DHL, the world’s leading logistics company, today launched its latest research report on ground transportation logistics. The report reveals that the fast-paced evolution underway in the sector is changing the way that shippers think when purchasing a transportation solution. The global survey of transport buyers and operations professionals found that 83 percent of businesses are willing to pay more for better and value-added services as long as they provide a measurable return on their investment.

 “The logistics transport evolution: the road ahead” is a report by DHL Supply Chain, using data from research by Lieberman Research Worldwide, LLC (LRW) that was commissioned by DHL to identify the factors that are impacting ground transportation logistics and how industry is adapting to the new frontier of solutions available. The report found that across sectors and regions, companies are increasingly viewing ground transportation as being more than a tactical commodity, with 71 percent now considering it to be a strategic component of their businesses. Companies agree there is a direct correlation between ground transportation and business performance with three quarters (75 percent) believing investing time and resources in ground transportation will directly help their company sales.

  Jim Monkmeyer, President of Transportation, DHL Supply Chain said: “Customer expectations for almost instantaneous delivery born of e-commerce are helping to position ground transportation as an important service differentiator. This is compounded by the increase in urbanization, or major population influxes to urban areas as we’re seeing here in North America, congesting traditional transportation models and causing executives to rethink their approach to distribution in this modern era. For all these reasons, transportation conversations are happening now at the C-suite table.”


  According to the report, the exponential growth of e-commerce and its implications on service was identified by 65 percent of companies as having a significant impact on their supply chain in the next one to two years. To manage this evolution, executives are turning to technology to empower their strategic decision making.

  Monkmeyer added: “As we learned in our digitalization research earlier this year, these studies emphasize the need for visibility tools and technology to not only manage goods, but also ensure a positive experience for the end-customer. Platforms that enable end-to-end supply chain monitoring and risk management, such as DHL’s MySupplyChain and Resilience 360, are now essential components of successful and strategic business operations.”

  Although these changing dynamics are being witnessed across regions, variations can also be identified depending on the maturity of the market and the demands placed on shippers from their consumer base. In Latin America, the priority consideration in selecting a ground transportation provider is on time delivery while in Europe, where the market is more mature, optimization of networks is the key focus for shippers.

  Broader societal factors were also highlighted as presenting associated challenges, with 61 percent of companies referencing the increase in urbanization as a factor that will significantly impact their future business. Technology and its ability to help manage this complex environment is increasingly seen as a standard requirement of 3PLs: more than two thirds (67 percent) of companies believe that big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are services that are essential for 3PLs to offer their shipper customers.


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